Kuposhanjanya vyadhis
Names –krushata ,phakka roga ,balshosh ,parigarbhikaPhakka roga
फक्कति नीचैगच्छति इति फक्क:|का.चि
means gradual decline of health.
low health state/malanourishment of child or retarded growth of child.it is not a disease it is sx of other disease .
in phakka the child is not able to walk even after the age of 1 yr.this is considered as common symptom of this disease .
common causes/nidanas:-garbhini mother ,grahani dosh ,bahubhojana {excessive intake and malabsorption}
samprapti –
due to agni doshabsorption of nutrients becomes poor
leads to ati drava mala pravruti .and atimutrata
ingested food will become waste and child become malnourished and suffer from phakka roga .
क्षीरज :causes-shleshmik stanya, symptoms –many diseases ,krushataगर्भज :causes–due to presence of garbha there is early cessation of breast milk in mother,child becomes emaciated &suffers from phakka roga.
व्याधिज :if child suffer from jvar etc ,nija or agantuj roga during early periods of life or if child is orphan he suffer from ksheenatva of mamsa ,bala&dhyuti {complexion},sphik ,bahu and uru becomes emaciated ,abdomen becomes protuberant and head and face become more dominant .peetakshi ,angaharsha ,drushyamana ashthipinjara ,weakness and emaciation in the lower parts,its becomes inactive &weak,passes excessive and dull mutra and pureesh ,due to daurbalya he is presented with manda chesta and he is surrounded by insect and worms .there is dry ,stiff body hair ,big nails ,emits foul smell .difficulty in breathing,with nasal discharges.
shodhan karma –snehpan with kalyanaka ghrita /shatapala ghrita /amruta ghritapan for 7 days followed by virechana with trivruta ksheera should be done .brahmi ghrita pan after koshta shodhana.
ksheera paka the milk medicated with deepaniya dravyas and either rasna ,madhuka ,punarnava,ekaparni ,eranda ,shatapushpa or draksha,pilu and trivruth should be used.
bruhana dravyas use the dwisamskarit ghee ,taila ,mamsa ,yush with rasna .
abhyanga is advised with rajtaila .
trichakra phakka ratha –for gradual walking .
balashosh :-
निदान –अति स्वप्न ,शीताम्बु ,श्लेश्मिक स्तन्य सेविनसंप्राप्ति –कफ़् –रसवाहि स्त्रोतस –अवरुद्दः {ama produce }
लक्षण –अरुचि ,प्रतिश्याय ,ज्वर ,कास,शोष ,स्निग्धशुक्लमुखेक्षणः
chikitsa –बैर ,धातकी ,अम्लकी चूर्ण –घृत सह
पञ्च्कोल् ,अशोक ,रोहिणी चूर्ण –घृत सह
{पयस्या ,पृथकपर्णी-घृत ,मधु सह }शोषनाशक तैल –वचावयस्था तगर कायस्था चोरके श्रुतम् बस्तमूत्रसुराभ्याम च तैलमअभ्यञ्जने हितम्||लाक्षादी तैल –ज्वर ,उन्माद ,श्वास ,क्षय ,अपस्मार ,वातनाशक,उत्तम for गर्भवति,बल वर्ण in child. {अ ह् उ २ /५४ -५६ }
परिगर्भिक :-
पर्याय –परिभवाव्य,परिभव,दुग्दः कट्टा,अहिण्डीdue to breastfeeding baby gets कास ,अग्निसाद ,वमन ,तन्द्रा,कार्श्य ,अरुचि ,भ्रम ,उदरवृद्धि
संप्राप्ति –प्रायः पिबन्नपि-child on feeding breast milk of pregnant women which has alpa poshakansha .
प्रायःअपिबन्नपि – abrupt stoppage of breast milk .
above both causes leads to parigarbhika .
TX:- रोगं परिभवाख्याम च युज्जातत्राग्निदीपनम्||{अ सं उ २ /६४ }
बिभितकमज्जा ,काकोली ,क्षीरकाकोली ,मधुक एवं मोरठ-अजदुग्दः सह
विदरिकन्द् ,यव ,गोधूम ,पिप्प्लली चूर्ण –घृत मे मिलाकर तथा उपर से मधु अवम शर्करा मिश्रित गर्म दुध देना चाहिये .
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