27. Urustambha chikitsadhyay :-
Urustambha nirukti:-
ऊरू श्लेष्मा समेदस्को वातपित्तेऽभिभूय तु|
स्तम्भयेत्स्थैर्यशैत्याभ्यामूरुस्तम्भस्ततस्तु सः||१४||
स्तम्भयेत्स्थैर्यशैत्याभ्यामूरुस्तम्भस्ततस्तु सः||१४||
Medoyukta kaph > vitiates vata and pitta > because of heaviness, it immediately reaches the thighs through the downward moving vessels > due to sthairya and shaitya guna of kaph > leads to stambha {stiffness} in thigh region it is called as "urustambha".
Poorvaroopa of urustambha :-
प्राग्रूपं ध्याननिद्रातिस्तैमित्यारोचकज्वराः|
लोमहर्षश्च छर्दिश्च जङ्घोर्वोः सदनं तथा||१५||
Dhyan{fixed gaze}, nidradhikya, staimitya {excessive indolence}, aruchi{anorexia}, jvara, loma harsh{horripilation}, chardi{vomiting}, jangha uru sadana { asthenia of the calf region as well as thighs}.
urustambha nidana :-
After meal uses of snigdh, ushna, guru, sheet ahara dravyas , drava, shushka, dadhi, Dugdh, gramya-anup-audak mamsa sevana, pishtanna, vikrut Madhya sevana, langhan, Adhyasana, ati Sneha sevana .
Viharaj:- Divasvapna, ratri jagaran, aayasa{over exertion}, vegavidharan.
Samprapti of urustambha:-
Because of unctuousness , the ama located in GI tract, along with fat causes obstruction to the movement of vata > because of heaviness it reaches the thighs through the downward moving vessels > theses doshas fill up the lower limbs including the thighs and calf regions to causes involuntary spasms and immobility in these parts.
Urupradesh Sthit kaph upama :-
As in pond which is large, fully filled with water remains motionless , similarly the urustheet kaph remain stable & motionless.
Urustambha symptoms :-Shaithilyadhikta, burning sensation in feet, loss of cold tactile sensation, unable to standing, walking and moving the feet.
feeling like
Urustambha asadhya symptoms:-
Heaviness in body, aayaas{fatigue}, sankoch{contracture}, dah, vedana, ruk-pain, supti-numbness, kampana-tremor, bheda -breaking, pricking pain, sphuran -itching all these symtoms leading death of patient.
If Dah, Toda {pricking pain}, vepan {tremor} these three symptoms present, it is also called as asadhya urustambha.
Sadhya urustambha:-asadhya symptomsless urustambha , Naveen urustambha {new or recently occurred }.
Urustambha chikitsasutra:-
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Urustambha chikitsasutra |
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